Language service with easy and affordable solutions

Helped by Professional Language Specialist with Personal Approach.


Xerpihan is able to help your personal language needs.

  • Proofreading jurnal dan skripsi

    Journal and thesis proofreading

  • Subtitle YouTube dan film

    YouTube and film subtitle

  • Terjemah jurnal dan artikel

    Journal and article translation

  • Transkrip wawancara

    Audio clip transcript

  • Parafrasa kalimat

    Sentences paraphrase

  • …dan masih banyak lagi, sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda!

    ..and many more,

  • Check pricing

Proofreading Service

Eliminate typos in your document

Do you need affordable and quality proofreading service? Our proofreaders are experienced in handling various Indonesian and English documents. Order now and get proofreading certificate for your document!

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Translation Service

Document translation

Do you need to translate your English and Indonesian document or vice versa? Use our translation service and we make sure you get accurate and acceptable translation result!

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Subtitling Service

Increase your video accessibility rate

Are you a YouTuber and social media influencer? Do you want to reach more audience? Use our subtitling service to increase your engagement!

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Transcription Service

Converting audio to text

Do you need a service to transcribe any meeting or interview recording? We provide affordable and instant verbatim and non-verbatim transcription.

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Why you should use our services?

For your documents

We are ready to serve your needs

Layanan Xerpihan

More Than 1.000 Clients Trust Xerpihan

Our proofreading, translation, subtitling and transcription services have helped many government institutions, private companies, and YouTubers.


Order Once

We are ready to offer unlimited revision guarantee for every order of proofreading, translation, subtitle, and transcription service.


Professional Translator

Our proofreaders and translators are English Literature graduates who have a lot of experience in editing and translating documents and also in subtitling and transcribing


Confidentiality Guarantee

A non-disclosure agreement is available if needed

Choose the Package That Fits Your Needs

Indonesian or English proofreading service for scientific paper, journal, essay, books (fiction and non-fiction), website, reports, and many other




ENG: per 2500 words ID: per 3500 words

  • Double spaces

    Double spaces

  • Writing format

    Writing format

  • Typo


  • Punctuation


  • Grammar


  • Unlimited revision

    Unlimited revision

Not eligible for proofreading certificate

Premium Editing



ENG: per 2500 words ID: per 3500 words

  • Copy editing

    Copy editing

  • Rejection shield

    Rejection shield

  • Edit your journal based on reviewers comment

    Edit your journal based on reviewers comment

  • Ensure all issues are appropriately handled

    Ensure all issues are appropriately handled

Copy Editing



ENG: per 2500 words ID: per 3500 words

  • Proofreading


  • Wordy


  • Conjunction


  • Hard to read sentence

    Hard to read sentence

  • Ambiguous term

    Ambiguous term

  • Fragment and run on sentence

    Fragment and run on sentence

  • Incoherent paragraph

    Incoherent paragraph

  • Literal translation

    Literal translation