Oriented to learning

Focus on millennial and Gen-Z

Join our exciting sessions
with technology and professional team supports.


Various Language Classes Which We Offer

  • Kelas AI Prompt - Dasar

    AI Prompt Class - Basic

  • Kelas AI Prompt - Menengah

    AI Prompt Class - Intermediate

  • Kursus IELTS Online dan Offline

    Online and Offline IELTS Course

  • Kelas Persiapan Studi Luar Negeri

    Abroad Study Preparation

  • Konsultasi Penulisan

    Writing Consultation

  • Kelas Speaking Bersama Native Speaker

    Speaking Class with Native Speaker

  • ...dengan penyampaian yang asik khusus milenial dan Gen-Z, pastinya seru!

    ...customized to millennial and Gen-Z, surely will be exciting!

Consult your session needs, for free!

Workshop, Class, and Course

ielts course

Online and Offline IELTS Course

Join IELTS Course Customized for Millennial and Gen-z

With our IELTS course, learning becomes easier to understand because of the millennial and Gen-Z specific delivery styles created.

ielts course

Writing Consultation

Schedule 1-1 Meeting with Our Language Expert

Improved document writing for both public and internal business presentations. Documents include Scientific Articles, Financial Statements, Employment Contracts, Internal Documents, etc.

ielts course

Speaking Class with Native Speaker

Polish Foreign Language Speaking Skill

The speaking class that we provide with natives will really help hone your speaking skills in a foreign language.

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Study Abroad Preparation

Discuss Your Abroad Study Preparation

Not only discussions, we will help prepare documents requirements and access to the chosen university.

ielts course

ChatGPT and MidJourney AI Prompt Class

Improve Your Skills and Ease Your Workloads

Coming soon.

Team Culture

Intensive Communication

Intensive Communication

Communication-based services, flexible online session and full attention from us.

Dedicated Professional Team

Dedicated Professional Team

Team consists of Expert Translator, Person in Charge, Indonesian Student Association in Chosen Country.

Using Advanced Technology

Using Advanced Technology

Using advanced technology for scheduling, online sessions, and learning.

Get your exciting Workshop, Class, and Consultation!

Execution to the smallest detail

Millennial and Gen-Z!